Tulsa Acupuncture Services | Next Morning Release
What Conditions are Accepted?
Acupuncture textbooks list well over one hundred different conditions that respond well to acupuncture. The World Health Organization, working in close harmony with the International Acupuncture training center of the Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has indicated acupuncture as effective in the following conditions.
Acute and chronic pain relief, migraine, tension cluster and sinus headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, bladder dysfunction, bed wetting, cervical (neck) pain, and mid-back pain, low should, tennis elbow, post-operative pain relief, gastric problems, asthma, allergies, skin conditions, hemorrhoids, abnormal blood pressure, fatigue, anxiety, neurological syndrome, various eye problems, etc., etc.
This is only a partial list of the numerous conditions acupuncture has been credited with helping.
The human body’s energy flow courses over twelve meridians or channels that are normally well balanced. If a disruption of energy flow exists, it can alter the entire system, producing pain or symptoms in the body.
If we were to compare a 175-pound man on one end of a seesaw and a 45-pound child on the other end, it becomes obvious the seesaw would be “broken” due to the fact the heavier person would be sitting on the ground and the lighter would be dangling thin the air. Even though the seesaw is producing a symptom of being broken, an extensive examination would not reveal anything wrong with the seesaw. The obvious answer is in the balance. Correction of the balance corrects the problem.
This is acupuncture’s goal — to restore normalcy to the body’s energy balance by utilizing a combination of acupoints located on the twelve meridians. This is accomplished by a variety of means. The needle is just one.
Medical research continues in this country and others to attempt to explain in western scientific terms what the ancient Chinese seventy centuries earlier described. Today, many theories have been postulated as to why acupuncture is so effective in pain control. However, as more discoveries are made, more research is indicated.
This content was written for Sibley Chiropractic
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